I have a history of starting things and never finishing them. Look back at most of the bigger projects I've done and you can see a pattern of abandonment; hell, I even started an entire behind the scenes playlist on projects I never finished. For the past two or so years I stopped setting release dates for anything in fear of disappointing the viewers that looked forward to them.
Here's the thing though: The only HUGE project I always managed to follow through on, no matter what - even going as far back as 2012, when it was bad - was Stan Frederick. Release date or not, this was a series I was, and am, passionate about.
So, no release date still. BUT, I'm now going to say, without hesitation or shying away, that season two of The Record of Stan Frederick is happening. For sure.
It'll definitely be a few months (or a lot of months) before the season premiere actually happens; I'm still holding true to my "film and edit absolutely everything before releasing a single episode" plan, so you're just gonna have to give me time.
That being said, I do appreciate your patience, and what the hell, here's a trailer to hold you over.
(And here's a poster.)
Thank you guys, for everything.
- Evan